Why you Shouldn’t be Afraid to Step Out of your Comfort Zone
Photography Shoot on iPhone at Content Days
Comfort zones come with the recipe of safety and security and a dab of fear. This is a space where we don’t spend much time challenging ourselves and don’t have room for anxiety or worries. Everything feels so relaxed and calm. Of course, we want to be stress-free but it doesn’t hurt to step off track from time to time. When it comes to accomplishing different goals in life this will come with a shift. This shift will change up your daily routine and challenge you to do the things you’ve never imagined doing. If you cant step out of your comfort zone this will cause you to struggle with making life changes, growth, and transitions. These are the things that provide us personal development. Instead many of us hold back from pushing ourselves because we fear failure. We fear the unknown of not knowing what the results would be upfront. I’m here to tell you to do it! You don’t know what you're capable of until you step out of that box.
Photography Shoot on iPhone at Content Days
This weekend I attended an event called “Content Day”. This event was geared around bringing together local content creators in the Atlanta area. The first half of the event was a mini photography lesson/pose session. The second half of the event consisted of us being paired into groups of two to help shoot each other’s content. As creatives, we struggle with being consistent because sometimes we don’t have the content to share or even the money to pay for photographers. This is my cup of tea especially because I ran out of content for the week.
“the comfort zone is the greatest enemy of creativity; moving beyond it necessitates intuition, which in turn configures new perspectives and conquers fears - Dan Stevens
Photography shoot on iPhone at Content Days
I booked my ticket day off due to fear. I was afraid to show up to the shoot with a group of women I barely know and not expecting how my photos would turn out. Many people don’t know I’m super awkward when I shoot with photographers or other people in general. I never can get into my zone because I’m so caught up into my thoughts. The main goal is to be consistent so I can grow an authentic audience that trust and believe in me. So I challenged myself to show up to this event and give my all. I was open to trying different things and most of all blocking out those negative thoughts of “I don’t know how to pose”, "the photos will not come out right" "I'm uncomfortable." Every time you open yourself up to try something new this is allowing you to make new experiences and expand your life skills and self-knowledge. Long term I want to break into brand commercials which means I need to get comfortable with shooting and being on camera. I walked away from the shoot not only inspired but much more confident in myself. Also, I’ve learned the importance of communicating with your photographer or the person who is shooting your content. If you don’t like something be honest and let them know. This is something I struggled with in the past. I would hate my photos but walk away not saying anything. If you do this they will assume everything is okay. It may be overwhelming stepping out of your comfort zone but once you block out that negativity you will see the level up. Instead of assuming things won’t turn out well challenge your mind to be more optimistic of the overall outcome. If things don’t turn out well it doesn't mean you failed but embrace the challenges of stepping out of your comfort zone and learning something new. Every once in awhile switch up your routine so you won’t become so stagnant. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.
How will you challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone? Let’ me know in the comments. Let’s motivate each other!